This document builds an example text search configuration for Elda, based on a Fuseki snapshot for 1.0.1. It contains live links to localhost:8080, which will only work when you're running a suitably configured Elda.
Download the latest Elda standalone jar from
the Epimorphics Maven repository:
the Elda downloads page. Put it somewhere handy;
we'll call the directory it's in $STANDALONE
and use it to set up an Elda server later on.
(If you already have a server that you can configure
for Elda, you might choose to use that instead.)
Go to fuseki snapshot 1.0.1 and download the distribution zip.
Unzip the distribution in a directory of your choice. cd into the jena-fuseki directory. Export the name of this directory as FUSEKI.
Download the example data from Elda's standalone jar. Copy it into $FUSEKI.
We're going to use the supplied configuration file
to steer the load
and indexing. This sets up a dataset for holding the
example data in a TDB in the directory DB
in $FUSEKI, run: java -cp ./fuseki-server.jar tdb.tdbloader --tdb=config-tdb-text.ttl example-data.ttl
The config file is being used to set up the
dataset, which is why it's being supplied to the --tdb
command parameter.
We can use the same configuration to run the indexer:
again in $FUSEKI, run: java -cp ./fuseki-server.jar jena.textindexer --desc=config-tdb-text.ttl
This time the configuration file is supplied to the --desc command parameter. The loader set up the normal dataset; the indexer is setting up the text-searchable dataset.
Now we can start Fuseki serving the indexed example data:
./fuseki-server --conf=config-tdb-text.ttl
Fuseki will serve the dataset in DB under the dataset name "/ds" on port 3030 (by default).
Now we've got Fuseki running, we can point a browser at , and explore the data with
SPARQL queries, before going on to use _search
in Elda.
Fetch the example LDA configuration file from the stand-alone jar's example configurations .
Comment out the line
; api:sparqlEndpoint <local:data/example-data.ttl>
which tells Elda that this configuration reads its data
from the webapp-relative file data/example-data.ttl
Comment in the line
# ; api:sparqlEndpoint <http://localhost:3030/ds/query>
which tells Elda to query the local Fuseki we have set up above.
Save this file somewhere suitable; we'll refer to it as
, run the standalone jar:
java -jar elda.jar -Delda.spec=$CONFIG
which runs Elda on port 8080 using the provided
configuration file. (If port 8080 is already in
use, you can change Elda's port using
In your preferred browser, open
to display a list of games. The names of the games
are in the example data as objects of rdfs:label
and the config-tdb-text.ttl
configuration indexes rdfs:label
as the
default field. Try searching with
appended to the games URI above.
You should now be in a position to work with data of your own choosing and to experiment (if necessary) with different query configurations for different Elda endpoints.