query parameter |
details |
operation |
P is a property chain, i.e. a sequence
of dot-separated short names of properties.
Select only items which have a value V
for the final item in the chain. (V's value
string is converted according to the range
of that property.)
P is a property chain.
Select only items whose P-value is at least V.
P is a property chain.
Select only items whose P-value is at most V.
P is a property chain.
Select only values whose P-value is more than V.
(minEx means "minimum, exclusive of V")
P is a property chain.
Select only values whose P-value is less than V.
P is a property chain.
Select only items which have some P-value.
P is a property chain.
Select only items which do not have
a P-value.
reserved query parameter |
details |
effect |
N is an integer greater than 0.
Show N items on this page.
N is an integer greater than 0.
Show page N, where a page has X items on
it as defined by _pageSize=X or by the
API configuration or as the default of 10.
NAME must be the name of one of the formats understood
by this Elda (e.g., html, json).
Render this query in the given format.
LANG is a language code, eg en, eh-uk,
or the special language code none.
Sets the default language(s), overriding anything set by the
api:lang setting in the configuration.
Query parameter values that are strings are given the
default language code. The view will discard property values
that are strings not in the the given languages, unless the
only values are strings with no language, in which
case those are displayed.
NAME is the name of a view as defined in the configuration,
or one of the predefined names description, all,
or basic.
Only the item properties specified in the view will be
A, B, ... are property chains P.Q.R, where P... are the
short names of properties or the special wildcard property
* meaning any property.
The property chains are added to those of the view
defined by _view or the configuration. (This
applies even if that view is an all or
description view which uses a SPARQL
DESCRIBE to get property values rather than individual names.)
A, B, are comma-separated sort specifications: an optional
- meaning "sort in reverse order" preceeding a
property chain.
The items are sorted according to the values of the specified
ORDER is a string suitable for use as a SPARQL ORDER BY
clause. (This is useful only with _where as a
query parameter or api:where in the configuration.)
The items are ordered according to the ORDER BY clause.
F must be a legal Javascript name.
The result is a Javascript call F(J) where J
is the JSON rendering of the result model.
NAME should be one of the known metadata component names.
That named metadata is included in the result model:
versions the available different views of this result.
bindings the term (shortname) and variable bindings.
execution details of the LDA processor, i.e. Elda,
specifying where its code and documentation can be found.
formats the available different formats of this result.
all all of the above.
The XSLT-driven HTML renderer automatically incorporates all of these.
TEMPLATE must be a legal SPARQL CONSTRUCT body also legal as a
WHERE body.
CLAUSE must be a legal SPARQL where clause.
CLAUSE is used in the SPARQL query rather than any computed or
configured where clause.
QUERY must be a legal text-search query.
All the selected items must satisfy the query.
_graph=URI |
URI should be the (suitably-encoded) URI of a graph
in the datatset being queried.
The generated SPARQL query specifies the graph
with that name.
resource |
property |
value |
meaning |
an API |
api:sparqlEndpoint |
some_resource |
The designated resource identifies the SPARQL endpoint
that this API fetches its information from.
an API |
api:prefixMapping |
some_resource |
some_resource is an api:PrefixMapping
element, probably written using blank nodes, giving additional
prefixes for this configuration. The prefixes present in the
result include the prefixes of this configuration model and
any api:prefixMapping s in this configuration.
(A result model may drop prefixes it does not use.)
an api:PrefixMapping |
api:prefix |
"prefix" |
prefix is the prefix of this prefix mapping.
an api:PrefixMapping |
api:namespace |
"namespace" |
namespace is the namespace of this prefix mapping,
i.e. what the prefix represents.
the API |
a |
api:ListEndpoint |
This endpoint is a list endpoint that can show multiple
items selected by filters.
any endpoint |
api:uriTemplate |
"/path/with/{var}" |
This endpoint is invoked when the URI path matches the template.
The variable var is bound to the last segment
of the path.
an item endpoint |
a |
api:ItemEndpoint |
This endpoint is an item endpoint showing the single
item specified by the associated api:itemTemplate .
an API or endpoint |
elda:graphTemplate |
"URI/with/{var}" |
The SPARQL query specifies the variable-expanded form of the
given URI as the GRAPH URI for this query. Graph templates
attached to an API apply to all endpoints that do not have
their own template.
the API |
api:itemTemplate |
some_resource |
The single item displayed is the one named in some_resource
with any variable references {name} replaced with their
the API |
api:base |
some_resource |
If specified, all Elda's constructed URIs (such as those for different views or formats of the displayed page) will use that base URI with the path and query parameters supplied in the request. This means that a server at location A can generate URIs as though it were at location B (from which it may have been redirected).
the API |
api:endpoint |
some_resource |
The given some_resource is an endpoint.
It must be defined somewhere in this configuration.
api or endpoint |
api:variable |
some_resource (usually a blank node) |
Declares an API variable. The resource is usually a blank
node with rdf:type api:Variable .
The name, type, and value of the variable are given by
properties of some_resource .
a api:Variable |
api:name |
"name" |
Specifies the name of the variable.
a api:Variable |
api:type |
some_resource |
Specifies the type of this variable. If not specified, the
value of the variable will be a plain literal.
a api:Variable |
api:value |
some RDF resource or literal |
Specifies the value of this variable. May be over-ridden
by a query parameter binding.
api or endpoint |
api:maxPageSize |
positive integer N |
The maximum page size for this endpoint, or the default
for endpoints of this API, is N.
api or endpoint |
api:defaultPageSize |
positive integer N |
The default page size for this endpoint, or the default
for endpoints of this API, is N.
api or endpoint |
api:select |
some_resource |
The endpoint, or by default other endoints of this API,
selects its list of items using the selector some_resource .
an api:Selector |
api:where |
"where clause" |
This selector uses the specified where clause as the
where clause in the SPARQL query to select items. Any SPARQL
query variables ?var that are defined as API
variables are replaced by the value of that variable.
an api:Selector |
api:filter |
"chain1=value1, chain2=value2..." |
The chains are property chains, ie dot-separated
shortnames of properties. Items are selected only if the value of
their property chain is equal to the given value.
an api:Selector |
api:parent |
anotherSelector |
This selector includes any filters of the given parent selector
anotherSelector .
an api:Selector |
api:orderBy |
order by clause |
The selected items are sorted according to the given SPARQL
order by clause. Note that this is useful only with
the query parameter _where or using api:where
in a selector.
an api:Selector |
api:sort |
"A, B..." |
The selected items are sorted according to the sort
specification, where A and B (etc) are property
chains possibly preceeded by - for reverse order.
api or endpoint |
api:lang |
"language code" |
The default language for this endpoint or endpoints of this API
are given as language codes, e.g. en-us or cy.
api or endpoint |
api:defaultViewer |
some_resource |
This endpoint, or all endpoints of this API, has as default
viewer some_resource , which may be one of the
three builtin viewers
api:basicViewer (show rdfs:label
and rdf:type )
api:describeViewer (show whatever a SPARQL
DESCRIBE produces)
api:labelledDescribeViewer (show DESCRIBE
plus any labels of all resources)
or a resource (often a blank node) of type api:Viewer
with api:property or api:properties properties
(see below).
api or endpoint |
api:template |
an api:Viewer |
api:properties |
"chain1,chain2..." |
The viewer should include properties and values for
all of the given property chains (which may include
the wildcard property * ).
an api:Viewer |
api:property |
(property1, property2 ...) |
The viewer should include a property chain with the
given properties in that order. (Note that the properties
are identified by their full URI or CURIE, not their
api or endpoint |
api:defaultFormatter |
some_resource |
The default formatter of this endpoint, or all the endpoints of
this API, is that described in the api:Formatter
some_resource .
api or endpoint |
api:formatter |
some_resource |
some_resource is a permissable formatter of this
endpoint or all endpoints of this API.
aProperty |
api:structured |
boolean |
If the boolean is true, the JSON rendering of aProperty
values will always include their datatypes and languages.