
    Elda Common

    The stand-alone jar serves as a demonstration tool and small-scale Elda service. However, the preferred way of delivering an externally-viewed scalable Elda service is to use Elda Common (or write your own webapp based on the Elda artifacts, of course).

    Elda Common provides a way of dropping Elda into an existing webapp container with a minimum of fuss. (While we write “Tomcat” below as the webapp container, any suitably configurable one — eg Jetty — will do. We assume that you have the necessary access permissions to install or update Tomcat and run it on your preferred port.)

    There are three components to Elda Common:

    The Common and Assets files must have the same version.

    To use Elda Common, you add both .war files to your Tomcat configuration. Doing so may be as simple as dropping them into the appropriate webapps directory. You need both .war files; Elda Common contains the LDA-handling Java code and Elda Assets provides styleheets, scripts, css, etc which Elda Common refers to or loads. There is also an elda-bundled artifact whose elda-bundled.war combines elda-common and elda-assets into one item.

    By default, Elda Common assumes that Elda Common’s context path is elda-common and Elda Assets’s context path is elda-assets. If you want them to use different context paths, you will need to also change the name and contents of the LDA config (see below). You can install multiple copies of Elda Common with different context paths, all sharing the same assets. (You can also have multiple different assets if necessary.) You can install Elda as ROOT.war so that Tomcat is serving the URI templates with no prefix, so long as the name of the assets .war does not collide with any of those templates.

    Elda Common loads its LDA configurations from /etc/elda/conf.d/{APP}/*.ttl, where {APP} is the context path of that instance of Elda Common. This means that each instance may have multiple configs that it can load, and different instances can load different files. (See the web.xml for the setting of this configuration path.)

    The LDA configurations contain references to the assets webapp, as seen in the minimal configuration file supplied. For a given API:api in a configuration file, the location of the assets is given in a variable binding:

    ; api:variable [api:name "_resourceRoot"; api:value "http://hostAndPort/assetPath/"]

    The hostAndPort will usually be localhost:8080 or localhost:80, and assetPath will by default be elda-assets unless the asset .war is renamed to some other context or you are using elda-bundled.

    Similarly, if the configuration is generating HTML using the Elda XSLT renderer, the stylesheets are loaded from the assets according to the binding on the XsltFormatter by:

    ; api:stylesheet "http://hostAndPort/stylesheetPath/xslt/result.xsl"

    Again, if the stylesheet has moved, this binding must be changed accordingly.

    Elda provides several example minimal configurations, different only in their intended environments:

    minimal-named-bundled-8080-config.ttl bundled non-ROOT configuration running on port 8080.
    minimal-named-or-ROOT-split-8080-config.ttl split assets and common on port 8080, for both ROOT and non-ROOT use.
    minimal-named-split-80-config.ttl split assets and common on port 80 for non-ROOT use.
    minimal-ROOT-bundled-8080-config.ttl ROOT bundled and running on port 8080.

    The configuration itself is a place-holder with three uri templates:

    /anything to provide some example results
    /about?resource={someURI} provides information (ie properties and their values) about the resource someURI
    /mentions?resource={someURI} finds items which have someURI as the value of some property.

    The minimal configuration assumes that a SPARQL endpoint is available on localhost:3030/store. You can replace this endpoint with a different one, or for development purposes you can run a Fuseki SPARQL server serving RDF data of your choice.

    Reload on change

    When Elda handles a request, if it has been “sufficiently long” since the last request, it will check to see if it is up-to-date with its configuration and, if not, reload it.

    “Sufficently long” defaults to 5 seconds and can be adjusted by creating the file /etc/elda/conf.d/{APP}/ APP is the context path for this Elda webapp. The content of the file must be an integer number of millseconds.

    “Up-to-date” means that none of the configuration files or their directories are time-stamped later than the time that the configurations were loaded.

    Elda does not check that the contexts of these files have changed, so it is sufficient to simple touch one of the appropriate files.

    Inside Elda Common

    To use Elda for your own webapps, you can use Elda Common (suitably replacing the minimal LDA config), produce your own merge of Common and Assets, or tweak the Elda Standalone warfile. You will need to edit the web.xml appropriately.

    If you have downloaded the Elda repository, then you can rebuild the Elda working jar (lda-VERSION.jar) and webapp using Maven; see below.

    Anatomy of Elda’s web.xml

    Elda runs as a bunch of JAX-RS resources within a Jersey container. The LDA configurations it loads are specified by the value of a context parameter.


    For non-Common uses of Elda, you can have multiple comma-separated configuration directives in a single <param-value>. Spaces, tabs, and newlines within the value are discarded.

    Each directive is a filename, with an optional leading prefix specification consisting of a name followed by ::.

    If the prefix is supplied, then all of the URI templates in the configuration are implicitly prefixed with it; this allows different configurations to be loaded together even if they happen to share URI templates.

    The provided filename is a webapp-relative unless it starts with “/”. Any occurence of the string “{APP}” is replaced by the context path, and the character “*” matches any sequence of characters, allowing multiple configuration files to be specified at one time and appropriately to this webapp.

    The string {file} in the prefix is replaced by the base of the filename with any trailing .ttl removed. The string {api} in the prefix is replaced by the local name(s) of the API resouce(s) in the spec.

    If the prefix contains a ‘*’ character, it is replaced by whatever characters matched any wildcard ‘*’s in the last segment of the filename. (If there is more than one such ‘*’, the matching groups


    Given the directive A*B::/etc/elda/*.ttl and files x.ttl, y.ttl and z.text in /etc/elda, the configuration file x.ttl will be loaded and given prefix AxB and the file y.ttl will be loaded with prefix AyB. z.text is ignored as it does not match the filename.

    The Jersey servlet/filter

    Elda runs Jersey either as a servlet or as a filter applied to all of the paths for this context path. A path that does not match any LDA URI template produces a NOT FOUND status that by default is handled by Tomcat to serve a static file if one exists with that pathname. JAX RS resources are located in the package com.epimorphics.lda.restlets.

        <filter-name>Jersey Web Application</filter-name>
        <filter-name>Jersey Web Application</filter-name>

    The (optional) Init listener forces Elda to load its configurations when the webapp starts. If this listener is omitted, Elda will load configurations when the first request arrives.

    Everything else is handled by the default servlet, which delivers all the static files inside the webapp.

    URL rewriting

    Elda Common does not do URL rewriting; it handles all of the requests sent to its context, either as URI templates or as static files. For applications that need to present different URIs to an external interface from those used within the application, you can either use on of the existing within-servlet URI rewriting engines or having a front-end server, eg Apache or Nginx, which selectively rewrites or discards requests with (un)suitable URIs.

    Obsolete: the Loader servlet

    Previous versions of Elda had their configuration specified within a load-on-startup Loader servlet with an init-param initialSpecFile supplying the configuration file names. This approach to configuration is now obsolete as it lead to technical difficulties; it is supported in Elda 2.0.2 to allow users to migrate to the new configuration process.

    Velocity template rendering

    This release of Elda includes the ability to use Velocity templates for rendering. This feature is provisional; it may change significantly in future releases.

    To use the Velocity renderer to generate HTML, attach this formatter to your API spec:

    <yourSpec> api:defaultFormatter
        [a elda:VelocityFormatter
        ; api:name "vhtml"
        ; elda:className "com.epimorphics.lda.renderers.VelocityRendererFactory"
        ; api:mimeType "text/html"

    By default, this will render the template page-shell.vm found in {_velocityRoot} if _velocityRoot is defined, or in {vm} otherwise. The root can be

    The provided template generates HTML in a style modelled after that of the default HTML rendering performed by XSLT stylesheets. Note the renderer name (and hence its format-selection suffix) is “vhtml” not “html” to allow the two different HTML renderers to operate on the same Elda endpoint.

    See velocity.html for more about the Elda interface to Velocity.

    Free-text searching

    Normally, specifying a query parameter sn=v to Elda (or using the equivalent api:filter in the configuration file) requires that for an item to be selected, it must have a value for the property whose short-name is sn and whose value is v. This allows you, for example, to find an item whose rdfs:label is “hello there” by using the query parameter label=hello%20there, assuming label is the short-name of rdfs:label.

    However, if you want to find items whose (eg) rdfs:label text contains hello, or which contains either hello OR goodbye, etc, then you have to write explicit SPARQL FILTERs, probably using regular expressions, and smuggle them into your configuration. This works, and is very flexible, but is also rather inefficient, since all the literal values of the desired property have to be examined, and general regular expressions are quite complicated to process.

    One solution to this is indexing. The literal text value of the RDF properties is preprocessed, typically by breaking it up into words, and an index constructed relating each word to all the literals it appears in. Then a search string can likewise be broken up into words and the search limited to literals that are related to those words. This can be made much faster than a scan-and-regexp – indexing can be done in advance and updated incrementally as new RDF is added to the dataset.

    Two related examples of text indexing and search are Apache Lucene and Apache Solr. Recent Jena Fuseki SPARQL servers offer an abtraction layer over these text search engines, and Elda can exploit this. A special property (usually called text:query) matches literals using the text engine rather than RDF literal lookup.

    If the query parameter _search is defined, Elda uses its value as the search string for the text:query property. The configuration file can specify further details of how this transformation is performed. If the SPARQL endpoint understands the text:query property (it need not be a Fuseki, so long as it understands the same protocol), then the text search engine will handle the query.

    Using text search is a three-step process; deciding what properties are to be indexed under what names; building (for the server) the index; and using _search to make a query against that index.

    We sketch these three steps below, but for details of the indexing and query operations, see the references search/Lucene/Solr references above. Another document provides a worked example of creating a simple text-search-enabled Elda. See Text searches with SPARQL for more about the text-query module.

    Dataset indexing

    A Fuseki dataset can be configured to index specified properties within an RDF model. The properties are associated with named fields in the index. One of these fields can be designated as the default field, the field that is searched if no field is explicitly given in a search query; another can be designated as the uri field that holds the URI of the resource associated with the search strings. For example, the configuration in the Jena text search documentation makes the default field name text, has it track the value of the property rdfs:label, and binds the URI of the item to the field uri:

    <#entMap> a text:EntityMap ;
        text:entityField      "uri" ;
        text:defaultField     "text" ;
        text:map (
             [ text:field "text" ; text:predicate rdfs:label ]
             ) .

    The indexing process breaks the text (of the objects of the properties) into words and discards unhelpful terms such as “a” and “the” because they do not discriminate well. It may – depending on details of the Lucene/Solr configuration – do stemming and synonym indexing as well. These words are the terms that can be used in the search.

    Text query

    The value of the _search query parameter is passed through to Fuseki and used as a query against the index. Just as the indexing operates on text that has been broken up into words, the query isn’t just a string to search for: it is expressed in it own little language, as defined by Lucene and very similarly by Solr (the Solr query language is mostly a modest extension to the Lucene language). The simplest query is a single word, eg Steam or Mahal, which will succeed for resources that have that word in one of their property values.

    (The indexing/query process may work harder than this for match, eg by looking for stems or synonyns of words, but these details are endpoint and implementation specific.)

    The query can contain several words; if so, it is looking for any of those words. To force it to look for both, use the infix operator AND, which you can also spell &&. The query Age Steam will find resources that mention either of Age or Steam; the query Age && Steam will find only resources that mention them both. Note that if you use the && syntax in a URI it will have to be carefully escaped, so AND is probably the better choice.

    Prefxing a word with + demands that it appear somewhere in the indexed text (ie, the RDF model or any extra indexing text that the endpoint applied). Prefixing the word with - demands that it does not appear.

    The query runs against the default field unless otherwise specified using a fieldName: prefix. This prefix applies to the next (as short as possible) piece of the query, so alpha: Age Steam looks for Age in the alpha field and Steam in the default field. To make it apply to both terms, you can either repeat the field, alpha: Age alpha: Steam, or use parentheses for grouping, alpha: (Age Stream). (You can also use parentheses in the usual way for grouping mixtures of AND and OR, etc.)

    The query notation supports several other operators, and escapes so that operators like + can be treated as ordinatry characters; for information about these see eg the Lucene classic package summary.

    The default behaviour of _search is that its value is used as a query against the Fuseki index of the SPARQL endpoint. If the value does not specify otherwise, the search is performed against the default field. The property that this is derived from is defined when the text is indexed.

    _search’s behaviour can be configured by properties attached to the SPARQL endpoint, the api:API itself (over-riding those on the SPARQL endpoint), or on individual API endpoints (over-riding the API and SPARQL endpoint). The most general way to do this is to use:

    :APIorEndpoint elda:textSearchOperand (... "?_search" ...)

    The elements of the list can be an integer N, a resource P which should be the name of a property, a literal string L, or the special literal string ?_search.

    Rather than using this most general mechanism, specifying

    :APIorEndpoint elda:textContentProperty some:Property

    will make the default field be that associated with some:Property in the same way as P in the general form above.

    It is also possible (but not expected) to be able to change the property used for text query by setting

    elda:textQueryProperty some:Property

    By default, the ?item text:query literal triples in the generated SPARQL query are positioned first. If you have reason to believe that your text search queries will be processed more efficiently by positioning them later (just before the type triples), then setting

        elda:textPlaceEarly false

    in the configuration will do so. Setting it true is equivalent to the default of setting it early. (This assumes that the SPARQL processor won’t rearrange the query arbitrarily.)

    search with shortnames

    Another way to use text search is to give text:query a shortname:

    text:query a rdf:Property
        ; api:label "search"

    Because text:query can accept a simple string object, this allows a filter search=something to be used in the URL query parameters or in an api:filter in the configuration file. This is especially useful when the shortname appears at the end of a property chain such as


    This feature is experimental and details may change.

    The details of the query language – and hence the meaning of the value of the _search query parameter – may change between versions of Lucene and Solr. These versions are dictated by the builder of the SPARQL endpoint.

    Query size control

    Some generated queries – those that have view defined by property chains and are applied to many selected items – are rather large (exceeding a megabyte). These queries are repetitions of the view property accesses specialised by the selected item.

    SPARQL 1.1 features

    If the SPARQL server supports nested selects (part of, but not limited to, SPARQL 1.1), then these repetitions can be replaced by a single application of the view wrapped round a nested select that fetches the items.

    Elda automatically uses nested selects if the data source is a local: or tdb: model, or it the sparqEndpoint value of the API is a resource with an extras:supportsNestedSelects value of true, “true”, or “yes”. (We anticipate that later versions of Elda will dynamically check the server to see if nested selects work.)

    DESCRIBE thresholds

    Support for nested selects applies to DESCRIBE queries as well, which may consist of a great many URIs when the selection phase generates many items. To give greater control over the use of nested selects for DESCRIBE, a view may be defined with the property extras:describeThreshold. This makes that view a DESCRIBE view on which nested selects (if available) are then only used if the number of selected items exceeds the value of this property.

    The default default threshold value is 10. However, it can be changed. Setting the extras:describeThreshold property on an endpoint makes all the (describe) viewers created for that endpoint have that value for their threshold. Setting that property on an api:API makes the default for all its endpoints be that value.

    (Values and defaulting rules may change in later releases of Elda according to reported experience.)

    Additional Elda features

    Configuration variables

    Elda reserves LDA variable names that begin “_” for configuration purposes.

    While the LDA spec says (see API Binding Variables) that:

    endpoint-level variables can also depend on API-level variables, but not vice versa.

    Elda specifically allows API-level variables to depend on endpoint variables. This means that the value of an API variable cannot be determined in advance (if it depends on any variables that may be bound in endpoints, eg by appearing in a URI template). This turns out to allow convenient idioms where API-level variable declarations assemble a result from components that can appear elsewhere at the API level or from the current endpoint.

    Configuring Elda resource paths

    There are three resource paths that you may need to configure for Elda: the stylesheet path, the asset path, and the template path.

    stylesheet path

    The stylesheet path is used by the XSLT-driven HTML renderer to locate the XSLT stylesheet to use. It appears as the object of an api:stylesheet property on the HTML renderer, eg

    ... api:stylesheet "lda-assets/xslt/result-osm-trimmed.xsl"

    If there are any variable references in the stylesheet value, they are expanded. If the resulting stylesheet value starts with a scheme (eg http: or file:) then it is treated as the URL of the stylesheet to fetch. Otherwise it is treated as a reference to a file in the application’s webapp directory.

    asset path and api:base

    The asset path is used by the (default) XSLT-driven HTML renderer and the (default) velocity template renderer. It is the value of the LDA variable _resourceRoot:

    ... api:variable [api:name "_resourceRoot"; api:value "lda-assets/"]

    If that value is not defined, Elda uses the value of the api:base property of the API spec:

    ... api:base "/"

    api:base should, if possible, be used to specify where the Elda webapp is served from; it is resolved against the URL for the current page so that a server at location A can generate URIs as though it were at location B.

    If api:base is not defined, Elda uses "/lda-assets".

    When those renderers must generate a link in the HTML to some asset, such as an image or some CSS, the path to that asset (eg, images/Star.png) is prefixed with the asset path (eg, lda-assets/) to construct the link URL (eg, lda-assets/images/Star.png). This URL will then be resolved in the usual way, relative to the URL of the page being rendered.

    template path

    The template path is used by the velocity template renderer to locate the templates it may expand. It is the value of the LDA variable _velocityRoot:

    ... api:variable [api:name "_velocityRoot"; api:value "lda-assets/vm"]

    Note that if the value is not an explict URI it is resolved locally (the same way as api>stylesheet) against the webapp directory, as opposed to _resourceRoot, who’s value is resolved remotely by the client browser.

    The template that is used for a given velocity-template rendering is given by the elda:velocityTemplate property of that renderer:

    ... elda:velocityTemplate "some-template-name.vm"

    If no velocityTemplate property is defined, Elda uses "page-shell.vm".

    Other variables used by the stylesheets

    Variables configuring rendering used by the Elda code

    Wildcard ‘*’ in view property chains

    A view definition (either some api:Viewer in the configuration, or an implicit one constructed from _view and _properties in the request URL) is usually characterised by some collection of property chains. Each property chain S1.S2... corresponds to a SPARQL query fragment ?item P1 ?V1. ?V1 P2 ?V2... where Si is the shortname of property Pi. A property chain may be specified as the list object of an api:property declaration or as a (comma-separated list of) dot-separated list of property shortnames in the string value of an api:properties declaration.

    (A property shortname is the api:label of that property, or it’s rdfs:label if if has no api:label and its label has the required syntax.)

    Elda additionally allows an api:properties to contain the special element * in place of a shortname, meaning “any property”; in the generated query fragment, the * is replaced by a fresh variable. There can be any number of * elements, anywhere within the chain, eg

        ... api:properties "type.*,label"
        ... api:properties "*.designedBy"

    This also applies to the value of the reserved query parameter _properties.

    Warning. Because * can match any property, it can significantly increase the size of the resulting model and the time taken for the SPARQL endpoint to generate it. Use with caution.

    URI rewriting

    (This feature is experimental and its details may change.)

    An Elda configuration may have rewrite rules associated with it. These rules are applied to the viewed resources before the model is supplied by the renderer. The intention is that during configuration development for applications where the SPARQL data contains URIs that correspond to application pages, the “official” URIs present in the data will be rewritten to “local” URIs which, when they are used as the target of an HTTP GET, will retrieve local data.

    All the URIs in the view model are rewritten, including the datatypes of typed literals. Lexical forms, language codes, and blank node IDs are not rewritten.

    The rewrite rules are specified by elda:rewriteResultURIs properties of the LDA config and apply to all (and only) endpoints of that config. There can be arbitrarily many such properties. The value(s) of the properties are resources (typically blank nodes) with the properties elda:ifStarts and elda:replaceStartBy, for example:

    ... ; elda:rewriteResultURIs
        [ elda:ifStarts ""
        ; elda:replaceStartBy "http://localhost:8080/elda/"

    URIs starting with the value of the ifStarts property are rewritten by replacing the ifStarts value with the replaceStartBy value, so given the rewrite rule above,

    will be rewritten to


    If multiple ifStarts values match, the longest is preferred. It is an error for multiple rules to share an ifStarts value.


    If a new viewer is declared with the property elda:describeAllLabel, it becomes a variant of the describeAllViewer where the label property used is the object of that property rather than rdfs:label.


    Normally (and as prescribed by the spec) Elda will generate a 400 status for queries that try and use unknown reserved parameter names (those beginning with _), eg ?_example=17.

    The property elda:allowReserved may be attached to an API or to an endpoint. Its values are the names of reserved parameters that should be ignored rather than generating status 400.

    Attachments to the API apply to all endpoints; attachments to one endpoint affect only that endpoint. Elda automatically makes the parameter name “_” allowed, since it is often used in JASONP queries.

    Etag generation

    If an endpoint has the property elda:enableETags with value true, or it does not have that property but its parent API spec does with value true, then Elda will generate an etag on successful responses. The value of the etag is derived from hashes of:

    purging filter values

    (This is a new, experimental feature. Its details may change with experience.)

    To reduce the risk of carefully-crafted URLs offering a security risk via an XSS attack, Elda allows the values of filters in the URL to be purged by replacing suspicious characters by spaces.

    If an endpoint has the property elda:purgeFilterValues, its boolean value will determine if filters on that endpoint are purged. Otherwise, if its parent API has an elda:purgeFilterValues, then the value of that property determines if filters are purged. Otherwise, the default value is false — values are not purged.

    The default is likely to become true in later versions of Elda.

    Expires headers

    (This is a new, experimental feature. Its details may change with experience.)

    By default, Elda does not generate any Expires: headers and assumes that all data fetched from its SPARQL endpoint does not change while Elda is running. This is sufficient if the data is fixed, or if Elda is restarted when the data is “sufficiently old”. An Apache or NGinx wrapper can add the preferred Expires: headers.

    If this is insufficient, eg data changes over periods of hours or minutes, a cache expiry time can be associated with each endpoint of the configuration. Endpoints with no explicit expiry time use that of their parent API if it has one.

    ; elda:cacheExpiryTime Value

    The Value can be an integer with units of seconds, or a string of digits interpreted as the corresponding integer, or a string "integerLETTER" meaning the specified number of the unit specified by the LETTER:

    s(seconds), m(inutes), h(ours), d(ays), w(eeks).

    If an endpoint has a cache expiry time T (whether explicit or implicit), then there are two consequences.

    This allows Elda to operate with its own (configurably-sized) cache but still to serve controllably-fresh data from its SPARQL endpoint.

    Property-based expiry time

    As well as setting explicit expiry times on endpoints or the API, they can be set on declared properties in the configuration. A “declared property” is one that has an rdf:type of rdf:Property, owl:ObjectProperty, or owl:DatatypeProperty. Such declarations are often present in a configuration as part of api:label shortname declarations.

    If a view mentions any properties with expiry times, then the smallest such expiry time is taken as the upper limit on the expiry time for this request. If the view contains any * wildcard properties, or uses a DESCRIBE, then the smallest of any declared property’s expiry time is used.

    This allows “volatile” properties to be annotated with their expiry times and for those times to automatically propagate to any request that uses them.

    Item template fallback

    If an inbound URI does not match any of the uriTemplates of the endpoints, Elda attempts to match that URI against any item templates of the endpoints. If it finds a match, then the query is redirected to that item endpoint.

    This behaviour is currently not configurable.

    Configuration rendering

    Elda provides the api:base-relative URI path /api-config. Browsing this URI delivers a rendering of the various APIs that the Elda instance provides. Each API description shows the different endpoints, with their variable bindings and named views, and the dictionary of shortnames appropriate to this endpoint. By default the descriptions are hidden (for compactness) and are revealed by clicking on the section titles.

    The api:base-relative URI path /meta/some/uri/template provides the same configuration description as /api-config, but the API and endpoint for some/uri/template are already opened.

    Specifying a dataset graph

    Normally Elda will query the default graph of the dataset being served by its SPARQL endpoint. To query one of the named graphs of the datset, an endpoint can be configured with a graph template.

    ; elda:graphTemplate "URI-with-{variables}"

    The template is expanded with the values of any {}-enclosed variables (including any set from the uri template match) and used to specify the GRAPH for this query.

    The API itself can be given a graphTemplate; this is used if the endpoint does not have its own, allowing a default graph name to be given for the entire configuration.

    Any graphTemplate can be overridden by using the _graph query parameter in the submitted URL; its value should be a suitably-encoded URI which is used as the GRAPH name.

    Warning: mixing graph specification and describe queries

    The specification of SPARQL’s DESCRIBE is very loose and implementations can legitimately differ in which parts of the dataset are used to assemble the DESCRIBE result as well as what triples are returned from a component graph. In particular, specifying a specific named graph with _graph or a graph template does not mean that the returned triples come only from that graph.

    If it is important to your application that the results of a view are restricted to a specified graph, use property chains rather than describe viewers to define the view, with the * wildcard to imitate the generality of DESCRIBE. While this will not have the full effect of DESCRIBE’s bnode closure it will provide predictable results.

    Formatting extensions

    Java renderer factories

    If a formatter has the property, then the (String) object of that property must be the name of a Java class that implements the RendererFactory interface. When rendering is required, an instance of that class is invoked to deliver a Renderer, and that Renderer is used to render the result set.

    The Atom renderer

    Elda contains an experimental atom-feed renderer. To use it, add a new formatter to the configuration file:

    ; api:formatter
        [a elda:FeedFormatter
        ; api:name "atom"
        ; elda:className "com.epimorphics.lda.renderers.FeedRendererFactory"
        ; api:mimeType "application/atom+xml"
        ; elda:feedTitle "an example Elda feed"

    The ID of the feed is the URI used to create it. The entries of the feed correspond to the selected items of the query; the ID of an entry is the URI of the corresponding item.

    The title of the feed is set using the elda:feedTitle property of the formatter in the LDA config, as in the example above. The title of an entry is set from the value of the first of the properties in the list


    that is defined; this list can be changed by setting the value of the formatter’s elda:feedLabelProperties property.

    The update time of a feed is the latest of the updated times of its entries.

    The update time of an entry is the value of the first property in the list:


    that is defined. This list can be changed by setting the value of the formatter’s elda:feedFateProperties property.

    The content of an entry is similar to the XML rendering of the resource for this entry. Currently circularity checking is not available. The entry is given its own namespace, which defaults to the Elda namespace but can be set in the feed configuration using the property elda:feedNamespace.

    The rights of an entry is the value of the first property in the list


    that is defined; otherwise there is no rights element. This list can be changed by setting the value of the formatter’s elda:feedRightsProperties property.

    The rights of a feed can be specified by giving a value to the elda:feedRights property of the formatter.

    The authors of a feed are specified by the list-valued property elda:feedAuthors. The authors of an entry are specified by the values of the first property in the list


    That has any. This list can be changed by setting the value of the formatter’s elda:feedAuthorProperties.


    HTML display of statistics

    The api:base-relative URI path /control/show-stats displays statistics about the queries that this Elda instance has handled, including:

    (Elda maintains two internal caches, one mapping the computed selection query to the list of items it generates, the other mapping (list of item, view) pairs to generated result sets. These are independant of any caches provided by eg an Apache server wrapping Elda.)

    All of these results show the total time, the mean time over all requests, and the maximum and minimum times over all requests.

    All of these results show the total size (in [kilo-]bytes), and the mean, maximum, and minimum over all requests.

    The display also breaks down rendering sizes and times by the rendering format (ie JSON/XML/HTML …).

    JMX statistics

    Elda can also serve limited JMX statistics (the same ones as are accessible using show-stats) by enabling the appropriate listeners in web.xml:


    This feature is experimental; it may be dropped in a future release.


    Elda caches the results of queries so that they may be re-served quickly. When the cache gets “too full”, it is reset. “Too full” by default is measured by the number of triples in the cache; the default limit is 20000 triples.

    The cache policy can be changed by setting the property elda:cachePolicyName to a string of the form "name:integer" where name is the name of a policy, eg default, and the optional :integer gives an associated limit.

    The available cache policies are

    Cache policies can be attached to the API spec and over-ridden on individual endpoints.

    external control of the Elda cache

    If a request to Elda has a pragma or cache-control: header with value no-cache (such as a CRTL/F5 refresh might cause on Firefox) then that request is not served from the cache. The resulting response is then cached.

    The Elda-webapp-relative URL control/show-cache shows information about the Elda cache state and provides two buttons: one to reset the statistics count, and another to clear the Elda cache completely. (The latter is exactly equivalent to POSTing to control/clear-cache.)

    Shortnames in Elda

    Restrictions on shortname selection

    In an (E)lda configuration file, the configurer may define “short names” for properties and resources. However, the current supplied example XSLT stylesheets expect that the properties used to define the metadata about a query and its results have certain specified shortnames.

    Elda reserves and predefines those shortnames; the configuation writer should not attempt to define them themselves.

    The reserved names are the local names (except where otherwise indicated) of the properties:

    prefix term term term
    rdf type value  
    rdfs label comment  
    xsd integer decimal string
    xsd boolean int short
    xsd byte long double
    xsd date time  
    doap implements releaseOf homepage
    doap repository browse location
    doap wiki revision  
    doap bug-database
    (as bug_database)
    (as programming_language)
    opmv software    
    api definition extendedMetadataVersion page
    api items item processor
    api property selectionResult termBinding
    api variableBinding viewingResult wasResultOf
    dct format hasFormat hasPart
    dct hasVersion isFormatOf isPartOf
    dct isVersionOf    
    elda listURL sparqlQuery  
    foaf isPrimaryTopicOf primaryTopic  
    OpenSearch itemsPerPage startIndex  
    sparql endpoint query url
    xhv first next prev

    Elda shortname creation

    When Elda renders a result-set graph using JSON or XML (and consequently HTML), URIs used as predicates are given short names if they have not been given in the configuration. Where possible these names should satisfy the shortname grammar; this allows them to be used as XML element names. Elda splits the URI into its namespace and local name parts and uses the localname as the basis for the generated shortname.

    NOTE. Elda uses the Jena XML-derived rule to split URIs, defining the local name as being the longest possible NCName that is a suffix of the URI. That name is not necessarily the same as that after a ‘#’ or final ‘/’ of a URI. Because the local name is an NCName it is automatically a legal XML element name.

    Elda has three shortname modes for generating shortnames. The mode for a given format may be specified by setting the property elda:shortnameMode on a declared formatter of the configuration to one of the values elda:roundTrip, elda:preferLocalname, or elda:preferPrefixes. The default for all renderers is preferLocalname.

    Elda follows these rules for converting a URI (not already given a shortname) with namespace N and local name L into a shortname:

    1. if the mode is preferLocalname, and this is the only URI with this local name, and L is not already a shortname, its shortname is L.
    2. if the namespace has an available prefix P and P_L is not already a shortname, then its shortname is P_L.
    3. if mode is not roundTrip, the shortname is L_N, where N is a (weak) hash of the namespace.
    4. otherwise the shortname is a reversible encoding of the full URI into a shortname (that is not short).

    The bindings of short names to full URIs — the term bindings — are made available as metadata in the rendered result. This metadata is by default only generated for HTML renderings; to have it present in JSON, XML, or RDF renderers, specify the query parameter _metadata=bindings or _metadata=all on the LDA request.

    Item counts for result pages {#enabling item counting}

    Elda displays the items in list endpoints paged, with links to previous and next pages embedded in the rendering, and the size of a page controllable (within limits) by the reserved query parameter _pageSize and the current page controlled by the reserved query parameter _page. However by default the total number of items that could be selected is not available.

    Item counting can be enabled (see below), in which case Elda will add additional meta-data to the result graph: the property os:totalResults (where os is the OpenSearch prefix) will have as its value the total number of results that the underlying query returns. The XSLT HTML and the example Velocity renderers will incorporate this information into their displays.

    Item counting can be enabled by setting the property elda:enableCounting on the API configuration root to true or "yes". This enables counting on any endpoint that does not override it by setting the endpoint’s elda:enableCounting to false or "no".

    If an endpoint has elda:enableCounting set to "optional", either explicitly or by inheriting from the root, then counting can be enabled by setting the reserved query parameter _count to yes and explicitly disabled by setting it to no. (Trying to use _count when elda:enableCounting is not "optional" will result in a 400 Bad Request response.)

    The count value is cached, so as the user moves forward and back along next/prev links in the Elda response, the same count is re-used.

    Using Elda directly

    You don’t need to go through a servlet (or restlet) framework to exploit Elda. You can call the components yourself and supply whatever glue you like. Note however that details of the code structure may change between releases.

    Creating an APISpec

    The constructor

    APISpec(FileManager fm, Resource config, ModelLoader forVocab)

    delivers a new APISpec object configured from the given Resource. You may have chosen a Resource with a known URI in a config model, or found one with rdf:type api:API, depending on your usecase. The ModelLoader is only used if the config has api:vocabulary elements, in which case it loads the models for its API vocabulary. The FileManager is used for accessing data sources.

    Given an APISpec, the method getEndpoints() delivers a list of APIEndpoint objects corresponding (in no defined order) with the endpoint descriptions in the config model.

    Running an endpoint

    You can then invoke r, Match match, String contextPath, MultiMap<String, String> queryParams)


    The call returns a three-element object which contains the ResultSet of the query execution (the result model and selected items), a map (the term bindings from shortnames to their URIs as appropriate for this resultset, and the (updated) variable Bindings.

    Rendering results

    Once you have chosen a renderer R to use for the result set, the invocation

    R.render( t, rc, termBindings, results )

    where t is a Times object, delivers a String which is the rendering of results according to the RenderContext rc, which you can construct from the VarValues embedded in the call context, the context path, and an AsURL object to convert URI fragments into full URIs. The termBindings should be the map returned from

    The method call R.getMediaType() returns the media type for the renderer’s result.

    Building Elda

    Prerequisites: Java (underlying platform), git (to fetch the sources), Maven (build management). Maven will download remaining necessary jars for Jena, Jersey, etc.

    Download the Elda sources:

    git clone

    places the Elda sources in ./elda (which is created if necessary).


    mvn clean install

    will now build the Elda jars and put them into your local Maven repository, along with all the jars that they depend on. You can then either use Maven to build your own application with those jars as dependencies, or extract them and embed them in your own libraries.

    Look in the (automatically created) file /lda/src/main/java/com/epimorphics/lda/ to see which version of Elda is being built. If you want to use a non-SNAPSHOT version, use

    git checkout tags/REVISION

    before running maven, where REVISION is your choice of the revision tags you get from running:

    git tags

    and selecting a tag that looks like elda-1.X.Y; that is the shape of tag generated by the Elda release process.

    As of Elda 1.2.23, the names of Elda modules (and the names of the corresponding directories in the Elda sources) have changed.

    Accepted content types

    Elda accepts the following content types by default.

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